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Here we are caught in the age of procrastination, building relationships online and offline has become a necessity to survival in business. We understand the importance of broadening our horizons, and that is precisely why we’ve made a move to the fantastic Profolk.


We know that moving home is never a decision you make without full conviction. It takes lots of planning and enough ‘umming’ and ‘ahhing’ to fill a lifetime, and that’s certainly what we have done. But when assessing the Profolk space, it genuinely was an easy decision for us as a business.

A coworking space in the centre of Stockport, the building itself offers a healthy mix of archaic beauty and stimulation workspace. Bringing us closer to our town centre and the thriving companies that live and work here. We want to immerse ourselves in all that is Stockport and make new friends along the way.

The story

Profolk, located at number 14 Market Place which dates back all the way to the 1860s. The building itself has spent the majority of its life as a bank, showing off larger than life columns and endless white stone, we love it! It’s a uniquely homely space whilst maintaining all of its original character, come and visit us, you’re more than welcome.

Profolk itself exists purely to offer the flourishing Stockport business scene a hub of quality, and it certainly does. The businesses within the walls of this beautiful space are creatively and technologically geared, you’ll never be too far from an exciting project and a forward-thinking businessperson.

What next?

For us it’s all about growth; from growing as a business and being able to offer all our clients and potential clients more levels to our creativity, to growing as individuals by picking up new skills from those around us. Building our team will be integral as we move forward, we want to be an all-encompassing creative powerhouse, and that means having multiple staff with different outlooks and talents to take our projects to the next level.

Moving to a more centralised space doesn’t mean anything will change when it comes to our personality! We like the way things are, and we really value the relationships we have. We want this period of growth to benefit those businesses just as much as it does ourselves. We will remain a youthful and energetic company, and we think Profolk will only allow this energy to grow and spread throughout our favourite town.

The Profolk move is everything we need and more, and we can’t wait to get you through the door of this fantastic place! If you want to pay us a visit get in touch and we would be happy to discuss a project, offer advice or have a wander around Stockport old town.